Sunday, February 14, 2010


I've kind of come back into a Weezer kick again. I've listened to the Blue Album and Pinkerton since they were released. My sister bought them, listened to them for a week, faded completely after a month both times and that's when I basically stole them from her. I remember on the days when I'd walk alone to or from school because of extracurricular activities back in middle school I would walk with my 40 second ESP Sony Discman. The Discman I had all the way into high school and then some. It's entire life, it was either playing the Blue Album or Pinkerton. Then in high school I was slapped with the Green Album out of nowhere. Last I had read up on them they were in Japan touring then they disappeared off the map. No one made any mention of studio time. That was added to the cycle of Weezer discs. Then, I think it was off Limewire that I found it, but I had an advance copy of Maladroit. If I remember correctly, it had 19 tracks. The album was trimmed to 15 and they were all re-recorded for the final take. I liked this raw sound a little better. Not to mention the 4 extra songs. I found this advance copy about 8 to 10 months before Maladroit was released. I listened to it so much, I was distraught to find that the solos were ruined for the album version. They didn't carry on, they were trimmed from solos down to riffs. For such an emotional and forward guy, the manipulation of his guitar is the music's emotion. I think that's why I dislike the album versions...

Well, anyway, Weezer is kind of my "single" music, if you will. I listen to it when I long for love, but know it'll just be better for me if I wait for the right love to come by. I'm not sure who that will be. Each time, though, I feel I've gotten a little closer towards my "dream." Probably why Only In Dreams is my favorite Weezer song, and more so, one of my favorite songs ever.

Give it a listen. Listen to the atmosphere the instruments create while his voice tells this story in a nearly dreamy-esque voice. Listen to that feeling go away for the first chorus, as if she gets ripped right away from him, then it falls back in. Then, listen for the build into him holding on to this dream. When it's all done, it drops off entirely and builds back in. This is where if you close your eyes, you will see exactly what he wants you to see. I honestly think the harmonies and various guitar parts in the last major build up are what helped me take love from my dreams and make it a reality. God I must've listened to this song thousands of times by now. I used to sleep to it every night in high school.

I'm still looking for this dream. I'm confident when I find her, she'll be something amazing.

Give it a listen.

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