Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bored. Moar questions.

So I'm bored. Can't sleep, as usual. Rather than writing some epically long and boring whine about love and how much I hate myself like I want to do, I think I'm gonna answer more questions. So, without further ado.

Do you need to know everything about someone’s past?
I'm incredibly curious by nature. I'll eventually have a copy of your past events in my head. My memory stores quite a bit, surprisingly, considering the things I've done to it...

Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life?
No. At least not yet. I'm great at a lot of things. I've yet to find that one thing that I give a true passion into, and get true passion out of, aside from love.

Would you rather have a great friend you could share everything with or a great lover you can’t really talk to?
The whole purpose of relationships for me is that my lover becomes the closest friend I could ever ask for. I hold much more regard for others than for myself. If It came to it, I'd sacrifice the lover part for the best friend part.

Is the male or female body the closest to perfection?
I don't admire the male body. I admire my penis, but I think that's inherent in all guys. Scientifically, perfection would favor the male body.

Name a few people who you think have a perfect body?
Abagail Clancy... uhhmm.... Fuck I dunno really. I love hips. Big hips. Average legs, almost long. I'm a fan of boobs, the bigger the better. I like a big ass but not a ghetto booty. And I've put it off this long because I can't describe a face... I am pretty picky, so picky I don't even know what makes it til I see it...

Do you like kissing in public?
Yeah, but save the make-out sesh for somewhere a tad more private.

Would you date someone much older or younger than you?
Define much? Being 24, I won't dip below 21, and I'd prefer around 23-25. Maturity seems to be an issue the lower you dip, and much higher and girls expect me to have my act together =/

Name any 3 things that make you smile?
Love. Cameras. Good music.

Would you rather know everything about your girlfriend, or be regularly surprised?
It's my quest in life to find out everything. The more I find out that you've intentionally hidden, the less controllable that urge is. Honesty is paramount. If you've nothing to hide, then it should be pleasant!

We are all human, do you judge someone for a past indiscretion?
Depends on the indiscretion. Did they rape a child or cheat on a math test in college?

What do you think looks really sexy on a girl?
Sexy? Corsets are fun. Tattoos are almost better. Even the overdressed business look. If you can piece it together with a good fashionable eye, I'm probably turned on by it.

Do you have posters up on your room walls?
Am I 14? No. If I can recover some of my lost pictures and spare like, a grand, I'd like to get a couple canvas prints made of my photography...

What is your idea of a romantic date?
A good dinner. A long talk. An even longer drive. I dunno. I'm no good at these. I pretty much pull romance out of my ass, and surprisingly, it works most the time.

At what age do you wish to marry?
When I'm damn well ready. It won't matter how old I am, it matters how well I know my spouse... I've spent 5 years with someone only to have them become a completely different person. another 2 years with someone else who lied the entire time and went crazy. I can't rush myself into something because I'M getting old.

Which are your favorite colors? why?
Blue. It's dark, gloomy, but still hopeful.

What is the thing you love most about girls?
It usually changes per girl really. I've terribly addicted to endearment, independence, and yeah... I dunno.

If you had a lot of money, where would we go on vacation?
Eastern Europe. Great for photography and even better for night life... Electronic music that's actually good in dance clubs... Basically anywhere for photography.

What are your major goals in life?
To figure mine out. I want a love that supports me and encourages me. Find some job that will support me and my hobbies. Maybe one day turn those hobbies into an actual career. Have a family. Give back to mine...

What part of you do you love the most?
Hah, is this a trick question? You know I hate myself, right?

What part do you hate the most?
Hahaha You want me to pick just one?! My lack of self-motivation.

When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do to reduce the sadness?
Usually listen to sad music. My emotions seem to be regulated opposite what you'd expect. Sad music forces me to deal with whatever it is and get over it.

What according to you is the definition of a great relationship?
Uncontainable love. Undying commitment. An ability to take a joke and dish one out too.

What is your idea of a perfect girl?
Someone who actually expresses their interest in me. Makes me actually feel their love. Likes photography. Likes electronic music. Likes some video games. Has talents that makes them who they are. Rides a motorcycle?

What are the most important traits in a man, in your opinion?
Probably all the ones I don't have.

What are your 3 favorite leisure time activities?
Couldn't just say hobbies? Video games, photography, feeding my engineering brain.

What types of movies do you enjoy watching?
Good ones. Great stories. Love. Life or death. Corny.

What would you do if a bear came up to you and we were together in the forest?
Die. I don't carry a gun.

If deserted on an island, what three things would you want and why would you choose them?
Uhhm, does internet count as one? No? Awww.... Running shoes. A machete. A lighter until I get the hang of building a fire.

If you had a whole week to do things with your partner, what would you do?
Anything. Sit in and watch movies, go out and explore the world, doesn't matter as long as I'm with them.

You and your girlfriend are going to watch a movie, what three types of movies would you choose?
Studio Ghibli or Disney, Trilogies+, Bad Action (Big Trouble in Little China, Jean Claude Van Damme, etc.)

Tell me something about your childhood?
I probably wasted it.

How would you describe yourself using 5 different words?
Unsuccessful. Unattractive. Antisocial. Lonely. Awkward.

What would you like to change about yourself?
Nothing. Otherwise I wouldn't be me. Take the bad with the good.

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
a ridiculous amount of money so I can do the things I want, like go to school, help my parents get their house going, and of course more selfish things, to be easily relocated to either London, Southern California, or possibly West Germany somewhere, and finally, to have any piece of photography equipment ever made available when I'd like.

Do you make friends easy? How many friends do you have?
I'm fairly anti-social. I could count them on a hand.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Honestly, same stupid rut, different stupid situation. Hopefully just out of school or just finishing up and getting on with a career for myself...

Who is your favorite hero of all time?
Since I'm listening to the Beatles, I'd like to say, the Beatles. Who else has changed so much about the world doing what they want and love to do? I can relate more easily to music than religion or something.

If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?
Seriously? Too much to do with a billion dollars, so I think I'll just buy a pony.

What would your dream house be like?
I'm thinking almost in the boonies, two story, fairly large, dark room in the basement, glass room on the roof with a balcony, with everything wired up for audio? Uhh, maybe a music practice room and a video game/theater room? Maybe a projector and a wall with a couple couches? Nothing too massive. Stars in the sky and trees around.

What makes you cry?

What makes you laugh?
Other people.

Do you like kids?

If you wrote a journal entry about today, what would it say?
Nothing. Because that's what I did.

Which do you prefer giving or receiving? why?
Giving. Because I'm good at it. I like making people smile. Giving is what makes me happy.

What are your favorite and worst subjects at school? Why?
It's been a while... Fuck if I know :(

Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?
Does DDR count? I play it like it should.

Do you like to dance?
Haha, I'm no good at actual dancing, but I'll still go and have fun.

Do people tell you that you act older than your age?
No, but they probably would if I talked to more than my few friends.

Ever had an imaginary friend as a child?
No. I always wanted to though.

Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?
Not a whole lot. Mostly in elementary school. Gave a kid a black eye. Threw a rock at another kid. Good times.

What's your definition of cheating someone?
...huh? I'm gonna go with "cheating on someone". My definition is anything you don't want to consent to them. If you kissed someone else and don't want to tell them, you FEEL like you cheated, though minor.

Have you ever cheated someone?
Nope. I never will either.

Good stuff. I'm still not really tired. Time for some music change. Thinking I need some Rocky Votolato. Wishing it wasn't on my fragged hard drive. Oh well. Last.FM help me out here.

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